Jericho Sailing Centre AssociationJuly 20, 2016
in the wind
Serving Vancouver's Ocean Community
Since 1974 
February 13, 2014
Ahoy Vancouver Ocean Lovers: 
Here is what's "in the wind"; coming events and items of interest at the Jericho Sailing Centre, Vancouver's Ocean Community Centre, for July 20, 2016 and beyond:
In This Issue
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2016 Wavechaser Paddle Series - THIS Thursday July 21

The next Jericho Wavechaser Paddle Series event is Thursday July 21 @ 1900H and every 2nd Thursday after, with the finale on September 1st. For more information and to register, chase over to: 

Celebration of Light July 23, 27 & 30
The annual Celebration of Light fireworks display starts this Saturday over English Bay. If fireworks turn you on, "Celebration" is a perfect accent to three Vancouver mid-summer night eves right in the sweet spot of summer. The fireworks are best viewed from English Bay Beach. Kits Beach offers a next best view with Jericho accommodating the cheap seats - distant view but easier parking and disembarking when the show ends. Seating at the Jericho Patio and Grill is tough to find after 2030H. The rooftop deck will be open to members & their accompanying guests (60 maximum) with security in place to enforce no alcohol or smoking. The three show dates are July 23, 27 and 30; Start time 2200H.
For more information on the Celebration of Light fire up their website at:

Extreme Marine Hazard Warning - Fireworks
One of the most dangerous situations for operators of small water craft in Vancouver occurs at the conclusion of each Celebration of Light fireworks show. Hundreds of powerboats are hastily heading for home in all different directions and the sea surface is filled with crossing boat chop on waves. Lights from boats and downtown reflect everywhere and a kayak, canoe, rowboat or other small vessel is almost impossible to see, even if the power vessel Skipper hasn't been drinking, and in some cases, he has.
The Jericho Sailing Centre Association advises our members and other small, naturally powered craft to not put themselves in this vulnerable position. If you choose to be out there, please remember that the Coast Guard and other safety boats will have their hands full and may not even be able to locate your craft within the boating frenzy if you need them. Also remember, that you the Skipper, as always, are solely responsible for your safety and that of your crew

Australian Sunrise Broadcast LIVE From Jericho
The Jericho Sailing Centre hosted LIVE weather remote broadcasts that went all the way to and across Australia this past Monday.

"Sunrise", the number 1 Australian breakfast television program featured Vancouver from a Jericho viewpoint as part of a Canadian feature sponsored by  Rocky Mountaineer and facilitated by Tourism BC.

Here is a compilation of video clips from their day at Jericho:

Regular Sunday Racing This Weekend 

There will be Sunday Racing this weekend on July 24. 
Sunday racing occurs on every non-regatta Sunday through to September 4.

Tuesday Nite Racing  
Tuesdays at 1815H through to September 6.
For a complete event schedule barge over to:
SAFETY NOTICE: Sail Racing on English Bay
Operators of vessels on English Bay should be aware that sail racing takes place regularly throughout the summer south of the anchored ships on English Bay. Notwithstanding collision regulations which must be adhered to at all times, we draw your attention to:

Rule 5  Look-out
Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.

An organized race, with fleets of sailboats, racing around a course marked by inflatable buoys is a "circumstance" that vessel operators should be on the lookout for. Jericho Sailing Centre Association conducts racing programs in this area every Tuesday evening from 1815H - just before sunset. In addition, events are conducted by us every Sunday at various times and quite frequently on Saturdays. Telltale signs, in addition to fleets of sailboats, include the Albatross anchored away from her regular mooring just off Jericho Beach and bright yellow and orange race marks which indicate course parameters. While vessels may transit race courses it is advisable not to loiter in the area and keep a sharp lookout to avoid vessels that are racing.

Our neighbours at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club run weekly racing on Wednesday evenings between 1800-2030H and are also frequently out on weekends.  Other local sailing organizations also conduct racing events on English Bay.

To view the Collision Regulations, crash over to: Collision Regs 


NEW PROGRAM Sunrise SUP Paddle Club @ Jericho
Get a refreshing start to your day with an early morning workout! A program designed for proficient paddlers, the Sunrise SUP Paddle Club hosted by Windsure offers a zen experience in a safe, community setting. Our veteran instructor and program leader Katie will share tips and tricks to optimize your paddle experience. Includes SUP board, paddle, PDF, and optional wetsuits.
When? Every Wednesday in July & August 6:30-7:30AM, arrive early to prepare equipment
Where? Leaving from the Windsure Beach Hut
How? $15 single drop-in or $50 four session SUP paddle pass
For more information, please call 604-224-0615 or email

DANGER- NO Swimming OR Wading
in Front of the Jericho Sailing Centre 
There is no swimming permitted between the Jericho Pier and the rock groyne to the east. This area has been designated as a boat launching area by the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation and is well signed.
The danger of watercraft colliding with swimmers, or a beginner windsurfer dropping their mast on one is obvious to most users of the Jericho Sailing Centre. However, the most serious incident we know of involved someone standing knee deep along the shore whose leg was broken by a Hobie Cat approaching the beach. The shoreline in front of the Jericho Sailing Centre is a dangerous place to wade or allow small children to play. If you see someone breaking the No Swimming rule, or allowing children to play along the shoreline, please bring the danger to their attention or inform the Jericho Office or a member of the Jericho Rescue Team.


Jericho Sailing Centre - Sign Up With Our Affiliated Clubs

One of the best ways to enjoy recreational ocean access on Vancouver's largest playground is to join one of the community based clubs based out of the Jericho Sailing Centre. These low cost, not for profit, volunteer driven organizations provide a wide variety of boat access and training programs for dinghy sailing, paddling, windsurfing, SUP and rowing programs as well as social opportunities. Clubs looking for new crew include:





Club Locarno -        


UBC Sailing Club-    


Viking Sailing Club -


Discovery Sailing Club -


Companionway Sailing Club -


Salish Sea Coastal Rowing Club

For more info. on all JSCA Affiliated Clubs surf over to

Jericho Sailing Centre - School Sign-ups  
Dinghy Sailing, Windsurfing/SUP and Ocean Kayaking Schools at the Jericho Sailing Centre have regular lesson programs & kids summer camps in July. For full Season Pass, Rental or Lesson information and registration click the link below:

Dinghy Sailing                         

Windsurfing & Stand Up Paddling

Ocean Kayaking                             

Jericho Folk Club - Tuesday Evenings

The Jericho Folk Club presents
Just Duets    

on Tuesday July 26         

If there's a musical category for songs from the meaning of life, Just Duets knows about it.  For Dave Lidstone and Andrea Smith, Just Duets means good songs and good tunes, well sung and well played.  Simple as that. 
To listen to a sample of what we might expect go to
Doors open 7:15 with a Fiddle Tunes Session
Open stage 8:00 followed by another session
Feature Act 9:15

Check out for information about changes to our open stage sign-up and for an overview of the 2016 line-up. 

FREE - English Bay Safety Seminars        next one August 15     

The English Bay Safety Seminar was developed for users of the Jericho Sailing Centre to help keep them safe at play on the waters of English Bay. The seminar covers basic water safety fundamentals along with user specific information drawn from the logs of the Jericho Rescue Team who have intervened in thousands of potential "sea disasters" over the past 42 years.


Why make your own mistakes when you can learn from the mistakes of others? Don't challenge Darwin's theory, make sure your water safety knowledge is the fittest it can be. Your survival & that of your crew could well depend upon it. Find the missing links and fill in the gaps in your water safety knowledge by attending a FREE English Bay Safety Seminar August 15 at 1900H RSVP JSCA office.


2016 Jericho Sailing Centre Event Schedule

The 2016 event schedule is on our website Google Calendar at:

July Service Hours @ Jericho

The Jericho Galley Patio and Grill will be open 0900H-Sunset on weekends; and Noon-Sunset on weekdays, weather permitting.


The JSCA Office will be open everyday 0930-2100H.  

"J" Buoy Marks Safe Passage Past the Jericho Pier

In order to avoid unpleasant interactions with fishers on the Jericho Pier we have positioned a new white striped orange can buoy just out of (wind assisted) crab trap throwing range off the NE corner of the pier. We recommend that users of the Jericho Sailing Centre not pass between the Jericho Pier and "J" Buoy.
Dogs @ Jericho
This unhappy dog was very vocal about being left tied to the main ocean gate post for half an hour while his owner enjoyed ice cream at the Galley. Other Centre users did not enjoy his music.
Did you know that dogs are not supposed to be tied up and left in public places? There must be a competent person on the other end of the leash; a post or other object does not qualify. Over the years some people have actually left their dogs tied up on shore at the Jericho Sailing Centre and gone out on the water. Unhappy dogs have vocalized their abandonment sentiments and that adversely affects the right to enjoyment of others. Recently a passerby was bitten by a such a dog while the owner was out on the water. In future, dogs left abandoned on shore will be reported to Vancouver Animal Control. People who need to tether their dogs for short periods: washroom visits, lunch at the Galley, etc are asked to not leave their dog unattended for long periods and tether them in such away as to not inhibit normal use of the Centre-such as: rescue boat trailers, base of stairs, launch winch, etc. Please be considerate of other users and understand, if your dog is vocally unhappy you are infringing upon the rights of others to enjoy our facility. Dogs, even leashed dogs, are not permitted on the beach or in the Jericho Sailing Centre building.

For more information on Dog Owner Training, woof over to:
*If you do launch with your favourite sea dog please remember to outfit her/him with a properly designed PFD.
Jericho Sailing Centre Etiquette 

Common sense and consideration of fellow members and other users help make the Jericho Sailing Centre a true community centre with a friendly salt water community atmosphere. Here are a few etiquette reminders to keep things sailing along smoothly:


  • No Alcohol is permitted within the Jericho Sailing Centre other than that served by the Jericho Galley Patio & Grill or by a duly authorized affiliated club with a Special Occasion Permit. At no time is alcohol permitted outside of a licensed area.                   
  • Do not leave your craft unattended on the shoreline for extended periods - share the shore.                          
  • RAMPS, and the areas adjacent to launching ramps, are for craft launch/retrieval only. Do not rig, repair or otherwise loiter in this area.
  • Do not leave or rig your craft in the rinsing areas adjacent to hosing stations. 
  • The Jericho Sailing Centre is a SMOKE FREE facility. There is No Smoking permitted in any Vancouver Park or beach area.
  • Give pathway users the right of way and bear in mind they may be distracted and not aware that you are crossing the pathway with your craft or launch rope.
  • launch dollys are for launching/retrieval only (not for storage) and must be returned to the fence immediately after use.
  • if you launch from your own dolly or trailer return it to your storage spot after launching-do not leave dollys on the beach.
  • do not use the winches unless you are familiar with their safe operation. Winch instruction is available from staff or Jericho Rescue Team members. Only members or registered guests may use winches & dollies.
  • only leashed, well behaved dogs are allowed in the compound, no dogs are allowed in the building or on the deck. Do not tie dogs to the base of stairwells or in other traffic areas. Do not leave your dog onshore while you are on the water. The City prohibits dogs on beaches. In consideration of other Jericho users please consider leaving your dog at home while visiting the Jericho Sailing Centre.
  • Please coil hoses immediately after use and conserve water.
  • Do not block aisle ways.
  • Rinse racks are for rinsing not drying.
  • Swimming is prohibited in front of the Jericho Sailing Centre.
SAFETY is Your Responsibility
On the ocean there are elements of risk that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Regardless of how you decide to use the ocean always show courtesy to others. Please adhere to the code listed below and share with others the responsibility for a safe ocean experience. 

It is every member's responsibility to know and observe the rules of the road when on or near the water. Here are some key rules which every Jericho member must know and practice.

1. Always wear your P.F.D. on the water.
2. Sail powered craft have the right of way over power craft, paddle and rowing powered craft.
3. All non-commercial vessels shall keep well clear of commercial vessels.
4. It is illegal and extremely dangerous to pass between a tug and it's tow.
5. A port tack sailing vessel shall keep clear of a starboard tack vessel.
6. A windward vessel shall keep clear of a leeward vessel.
7. A vessel clear astern shall keep clear of a vessel ahead.
8. Any vessel overtaking another shall keep clear.
9. A vessel tacking or gybing shall keep clear of a vessel on a tack.
10.The area south of the orange can buoys is for training or transiting only.
11.Swimming or wading on the beach in front of the Centre is prohibited and is particularly dangerous for small children.
12.It is unsafe to loiter or let children play near the bottom of launching ramps.
13. Stay well clear of the end of the Jericho Pier as fishers cast lines as far as possible
14. Be cautious of pathway traffic when launching/retrieving
15. Do not leave your craft on the shoreline for extended periods of time
Common sense goes a long way toward maintaining a safe environment. Membership in the Jericho Sailing Centre Association is contingent on members knowing and observing the Safe Ocean Sailing rules.
Links to previous issues